Uncategorized How Dare The Syrians Bomb Syrians! I’m the Only One Who Can Bomb Syrians Freedom Memes April 7, 2017
Uncategorized Whoever used Chemical Weapons in Syria Wanted the US to Bomb Syria Now, Who Would’ve Wanted That? Freedom Memes April 7, 2017
Uncategorized Yeah, if the government could just protect against violations of natural rights and stop telling people how to live that’d be great. Freedom Memes February 26, 2017
Uncategorized Why is it that the Women Protesting for Free Birth Control Are the Least Likely to Need It? Freedom Memes January 23, 2017
Uncategorized Protesting Trump on his second day in office is like giving Barack Obomber the Nobel Peace Prize a couple months in How’d that turn out for you? Freedom Memes January 23, 2017