Uncategorized “The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink” Freedom Memes March 21, 2016
Uncategorized Bernie Says It’s Unacceptable that Americans have to pay $5 Every Time they Use the ATM. I Think It’s Unacceptable Americans Have to Pay 25% Every Time theY Get a Paycheck. #FeelTheBern Freedom Memes January 7, 2016
Uncategorized Cries When People Kill Babies With Guns Wants to Pay them Money When They Use Forceps and Scalpels Freedom Memes January 6, 2016
Uncategorized In 1974 the CIA Predicted that Global Warming Would Increase Terrorism No Wait, They Said “Global Cooling” Would Increase Terrorism Freedom Memes December 26, 2015