Uncategorized In 1974 the CIA Predicted that Global Warming Would Increase Terrorism No Wait, They Said “Global Cooling” Would Increase Terrorism Freedom Memes December 26, 2015
Uncategorized Getting Paid by Taxation since 1981 Complains How Businesspeople Take Advantage of Others Freedom Memes December 21, 2015
Uncategorized TSA: Touching the Balls of Law-Abiding Citizens since 2001 Freedom Memes December 5, 2015
Uncategorized Why is it the People Demanding Free College Are the same People Demanding to Get Paid $15 when They Can’t Find a Job With Their Women’s Study Degree? Freedom Memes November 30, 2015
Friend of Freedom Everyone Demanding A Free College Education Should Expect to Work for Free When They Graduate Freedom Memes November 30, 2015 0
The Libertarian Catholic Democratic Socialism: Because Tyranny of a Majority Feels So Much Better than Tyranny of a Few Freedom Memes November 21, 2015 0