Names from the First Drop of Epstein Files
Names from the first drop of Epstein Files.
- Ghislaine Maxwell
- Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre
- Kathy Alexander
- Miles Alexander
- James Michael Austrich
- Philip Barden
- Cate Blanchett
- David Boies
- Laura Boothe
- Evelyn Boulet
- Rebecca Boylan
- Joshua Bunner
- Naomi Campbell
- Carolyn Casey
- Paul Cassell
- Sharon Churcher
- Bill Clinton
- David Copperfield
- Alexandra Cousteau
- Cameron Diaz
- Leonardo DiCaprio
- Alan Dershowitz
- Dr. Mona Devanesan
- Bradley Edwards
- Amanda Ellison
- Cimberly Espinosa
- Jeffrey Epstein
- Annie Farmer
- Marie Farmer
- Alexandra Fekkai
- Crystal Figueroa
- Anthony Figueroa
- Louis Freeh
- Eric Gany
- Meg Garvin
- Sheridan Gibson-Butte
- Robert Giuffre
- Al Gore
- Ross Gow
- Fred Graff
- Philip Guderyon
- Shannon Harrison
- Stephen Hawking
- Victoria Hazel
- Brittany Henderson
- Brett Jaffe
- Michael Jackson
- Carol Roberts Kess
- Dr. Karen Kutikoff
- Peter Listerman
- George Lucas
- Tony Lyons
- Bob Meister
- Jamie A. Melanson
- Lynn Miller
- Marvin Minsky
- David Mullen
- Joe Pagano
- Mary Paluga
- J. Stanley Pottinger
- Joseph Recarey
- Michael Reiter
- Jason Richards
- Bill Richardson
- Sky Roberts
- Scott Rothstein
- Forest Sawyer
- Doug Schoetlle
- Kevin Spacey
- Cecilia Stein
- Mark Tafoya
- Brent Tindall
- Kevin Thompson
- Donald Trump
- Ed Tuttle
- Emma Vaghan
- Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards
- Cresenda Valdes
- Anthony Valladares
- Maritza Vazquez
- Vicky Ward
- Jarred Weisfeld
- Courtney Wild
- Bruce Willis
- Daniel Wilson
- Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York