Bolshevists Nationalize Russian Women 1919
Such arguments have in duced this organization to edict the present decree. “1 From March 1 the right to possess women of the ages of 17 to 32 Is abolished. – – – Rules on Women’s Ages. ‘2 The age of women shall be de termined by birth certlflcatoB, or by passports, or by testimony of witnesses, and. on failure to produce do cuments, their age shall bo d- term- Ined by the committee, who shnll Judge them according to appearance.
‘3 This decree does not anect women having five childrerrt 4 The former owners may retain the right of using their wives with out waiting their turns. “u fn case of resistance of the husband he shall- forfeit tho right under the former paragraph. ‘(! All women according to this decree, are exempted from prlvnto dwnorshlp, and are proclaimed to be the property of the whole nation. Women Forcwl to comply. “7 The distribution and manage ment, of appropriated women.
In compliance with the decision of the above snld organization, are trans ferred to the Saratoff Anarchist s club. In 3 days from the date of publication of this decree all women, given by It to the use of the whole nation, are obliged . to present themselves to the given addresses, and to supply the required Information. 8 Before the committee is formed for the realization of this decree the citizens themselves will be charged with such control. N.
B. Any citizen noticing a woman not submitting herself to the address under (his decree Is obliged to let It he known to the Anarchists’ club, giving the address, full name, and fa thers name of the woman. “RIkIiU” of Men Specified. “9 Men citizens have the right to use one woman not ortener than three times a week for 3 hours, ob serving the rules specified below. “10 Each man wishing to use a piece of public property should be a bearer of a certificate from the’ ‘an ion committee,’ the professional union, or workmen’s.’ soldiers’ and peasants’ council, certifying that ho uuiungs to me woricing family class.
11 Every- working member is obliged to discount ‘2 per cent from his enrnijigg to the fund of public general action. N. B. This com-mittoe in charge will put these discounted runds with the specifications of names and Institutions handing uuwii mese tunas to this popular generation. ‘ .
. Must Contribute to Fund. “12 Male citizens not belonging to the working classes in order to have equal rights with the proletariate (working people) are obliged to pay $50 monthly Into the public fund: , i i , “13-l-The local branch of the state bank is obliged to begin to. reserve payments to the national generation funds. .
. . . “14 All women proclaimed by this decree to be national property will receive from the funds an allowance of $115 a month. ‘ : “15 All women who become pregnant are released from their stato duties Tor 4 months, up to 3 monthB before and 1 month after childbirth.
The children born are given to. an Institution for training after they are 1 month old, where they are to be trained r.nd educated until tiisy are 17 years old at the cost of tho public funds. – , – . $100 For Twins. .
“17 In case of the birth of twIiiB thn mother. Is to receive a prize of .on. . … , .
., ‘ “18 All citizens, men and women. are obliged carefully to watch their health. ’19 Those who are guilty of spreading venereal disease will be held responsible, and severely pun ished. ’20 Women having lost their health may apply to the Soviet (or a pension. ’21 The chief of tho Anarchists will bo In charge of the temporary technical measures relating to ,thoi realization of this decree.
’22 All refusing , to recognize, ami support this decree will be pro-‘ claimed enemies of the people and counler-anarchlrts and will be held strictly responsible. ; ‘.'( Signed) . COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SARATOFF, RUSSIA.” . ATTORNEY’S HAT Some men have nerve, but the man who will Bteal the District Attorney’s hat right out of the said prosecutor’s office, takes the prize for pure unadulterated brass. Of course, It Is very probable that ii was all a nils-take and that tho offender was so f lustrated by what he had been Informed by the law dispenser that he was unable to identify his own cranial adornment; but be that as it may,, it is sufficient to say that whatever the cause may be, the ever affable George was yesterday evening seen threading tho streets in a vain endeavor to locate his missing top-piece, and during the time that his energies were’ bent toward the recovery, retrieval and repossession of aforsalu dome protector, he wns breathing all scrts of aire throats toward lite perpetrator of the crime against the dignity and majesty of tho law, his head being covered by a felt fedora of’ a size several digits too small and of a faded bedraggled color which evidenced considerable more use than it Is the District AU torney’s wont to subject his well cared Tor and carefully protected hat.