Susan Sarandon Celebrated for Posting the Same Quote Gina Carano was Fired for Posting

In 2021, Gina Carano posted a quote on Twitter that ended up getting her fired.
“It didn’t start with gas chambers. It started with one party controlling the media. One party controlling the message. One party deciding what is truth. One party censoring speech and silencing opposition. One party dividing citizens into ‘us’ and ‘them’ and calling on their supporters to harass ‘them.’ It started when good people turned a blind eye and let it happen,” the post read.
A year later, Susan Sarandon posted the same quote and the Left praised her for it.
The NPCs were out in full effect to defend the hypocrisy:
“Susan Sarandon equated the rise of antisemitism in the past to the rise of antisemitism in the present. Gina Carano equated being a republican and wearing a mask during the height of a global pandemic to being a victim of the Holocaust. They are not the same things” read one tweet.
Because evidently, the only people who can suffer tyranny are Jews?