Causes of Death in US Versus What Media Report On


What if the media actually reported on the things that actually impacted people? They would report a lot more on heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. You can actually throw in iatrogenic death (death by healthcare), which is one of the leading causes of death in the US as well.

Instead, the media talk about sensational, fear-inducing subjects like homocide, terrorism, and mass shootings, which are infinitesimally less impactful to everyday life.

The media also reported constantly on COVID, but there was no excess death in 2020. Only after the jabs have induced more excess death do we see the media looking elsewhere.

Do yourself a favor and turn off your television.

30%, 2.5% – Heart Disease
29%, 13.1% – Cancer
0.9%, 23% – Homicide
< 0.01%, 34.5% – Terrorism