Obamacare has been a gift, a daily calamity that discredits government every day it exists.

From an anonymous contributor:
Today’s decision upheld Obamacare subsidies in federal exchanges. It’s true, the Left won – good for them. Now, let’s take a longer view of the past, present, and the future.
Personally, today’s decision made me think back to three years ago, when the crux of the law was upheld. It made me think about the optimism of the left at the time, and how happy they were that their sacred cow had avoided a skewering. And then it made me think of how the government then, promptly and inevitably, did the skewering itself, and with a variety of spears: a historic, disastrous website launch that forcibly branded the lesson of governmental incompetence in the minds of at least two generations; soaring premiums and deductibles; labor market distortions; millions of cancelled “incompatible” healthcare policies; and so much more. The list is literally endless.
None of these crucial, eternal lessons about the horrors of central planning would have come to pass, if the Court had struck down the law back in 2012, Obamacare would have become a martyr, an eternal “if only” rallying point for all those who still have faith in government. In a way, a decision against Obamacare here might have been even worse – we can talk about those details later, though. My point is that for all the damage it’s done, Obamacare has been a gift, a daily calamity that discredits government every day it exists. And if you want proof that people are heeding the reminder, see the 2010 and 2014 elections.
So when you read the news today, remember that failure is necessary to engender success, and a society without the former can never have the latter. Today, the unmitigated failure that is Obamacare managed to avoid being subjected to reform and improvement…and just like how putting out forest fires only makes the later conflagration all the greater, today’s decision simply guaranteed that its eventual, assured demise will be all the greater and more positive. The larger the failure, the greater the success – and with a failure of Obamacare’s size, we’re due for something pretty special down the road. Let the Left have their day. And rest easy tonight, knowing they have but won a battle in a war that they lost the moment it began.