Why Does the IRS Need AR-15 Rifles if Taxes are Voluntary?

The Chairman of the House Homeland Security oversight committee, Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) paid a little visit to the IRS last week and saw something he didn’t expect: IRS agents training with AR-15s. He had to ask why? He said:
When I left there, it’s been bugging me for weeks now, why IRS agents are training with a semi-automatic rifle AR-15, which has stand-off capability. Are Americans that much of a target that you need that kind of capability?
This epiphany is especially disconcerting just weeks after the IRS was caught illegally targeting and intimidating certain 501(3)(c) applicants based on their political affiliations. If the IRS is illegally targeting people with their scrutiny, why should we not believe that they are illegally targeting people with their AR-15s as well?
But this is all beside the point because according to the Senate majority leader, taxes are voluntary:
And more recently, the outgoing IRS chief made the same claim in the House investigation hearing:
Xavier Becerra (D-CA) may have made a shocking statement, discussing the need to keep confidence in the system, saying “… because it’s a voluntary system … of payment of our taxes.”
Stephen Miller (IRS commissioner, resigned): “Agreed.”
Why would the IRS need AR-15s if they weren’t forcefully taking money from people? I guess the IRS needs those big guns just to make us feel safe when we voluntarily pay our taxes? It’s not working.
This should make it quite clear. Taxation is theft and the IRS needs heavy weaponry to insure that no one fights that theft. #taxationIsTheft